I fail.
"Those works created from solitude and from pure authentic creative impulses-where the worries of competition, acclaim and social promotion do not interfere - are, because of these very facts, more precious than the productions of professions. After a certain familiarity with these flourishings of an exalted feverishness, lived so fully and intensely by authors, we cannot avoid the feeling that in relation to these works, cultural art in its entirety appears to be the game of a futile society, a fallacious parade." - Jean Dubuffet
keep drawing

4.30 am jOSH

I took this book to Glasgow
Glasgow took it from me
I thought I hated Glasgow
It was Glasgow that hated me
I want to live in Glasgow
Glasgow live with me
Glasgow is my home now
Glasgow lives in me.


This day i so dreadly face
Will i carry on for good or for worse?
The answers in the future
Don't doubt or predict
Don't doubt or predict

Confusedddd d d d d d

I want to make art that is personal. I make art that is personal. I keep falling in to the thought of asking what the audience or the assessment want but when i do that i make shit art or art with no fucking emotion. It doesn't come naturally. I'm doing my sketchbook for assessment nothing more. It just doesn't come naturally to me and that is worrying me. I paint because I want to and I don't think about it, I just do it. It's always dark and depressing shit which is also worrying me. Why do I always look on the negative side of life. My art has never been positive but sometimes i want it to be. Or maybe it has? People like positive shit i guess these days when it comes to art. Supposedly the theme of our time is Beauty. Thats the art that will be successful. We are always trying to give art a sense of importance but really we just like playing around with materials whatever it may be that's what it comes down to. We're not people with a message and we are not profound speakers, we are just a bunch of guys who like to create. Why do we need to give it a reason? We need to make it into a business to give us a sense of well being. I just want to do and so do you. I'm looking at these circuit boards and black holes and when i stop and think for a minute i am doing this to find a concept. The concept should come to me not me looking for one. Circuit boards have no fucking emotion. I have emotion. I am my art. So what am I going to propose? How can i propose something thats got no meaning or relevence to anyone else? My work is about emotion now. So i guess theres a concept. i'm starting to think.
Can you see the future as you fall into a black hole?

A video simulates what you might see on your way towards a black hole's crushing central singularity
